I can't promise that this will be my last entry for today as I have a lot on my mind lately and I'm not quite sure how to put it into words. I found a picture that I have made my goal picture in the whole scheme of becoming healthy again. I look at this and remember where I once was; resting heart rate in the low to mid 50s, 113lbs, 4.2%BMI, 5% Body Fat... etc. I won't even go to where I am now. I know I'll never be in that good of shape again because I'm not in training but nevertheless, anything would be better than now. So in reference to the title, life. Life is a fascinating thing. There are times when I really feel I have control over everything than there are others where I feel like everything is falling apart, that is how I feel right now. So many things going on that I can't even begin to write about. I was reading Julia's entry from her birthday where she was recounting parts of her life and this part really stood out to me and made me think:
Voice crying outloud; Heart aching with every beat
Someone searching, searching for someone
Everywhere and endlessly
Wishing waiting; Could there be someone searching for
Someone Searching?
Soul battered and bruised; Pride wounded and left for dead
Ears deaf to good news; Eyes tear-drenched and sleepless red
Someone searching, searching for someone
Everywhere and endlessly
Wishing waiting; Could there be someone searching for
Someone Searching?
I hear the cries and I know the pain
Can it be denied, that everyone has been and will be
Someone Searching?
Love standing alone; Hands scarred by the nails of hate
Hope suffering long; Faith urging that it's not too late
Someone searching, searching for someone
Everywhere and endlessly
Wishing waiting; Could there be someone searching for
Someone Searching?
Loving and longing, always there is someone searching for
Someone Searching.
I do know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, and I feel as though I can honestly say that. Yes I do struggle and feel alone but every morning when I drive to work and see all the beauty (yes there is beauty in SF) around me, how can I not know?

"The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences." ~Eleanor Roosevelt
"One’s purpose in life has an overriding influence on what he does with his time, energy, and resources. Without this sense of purpose, life has no compass."
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