16 February 2008


The past couple days have been fun and exciting to say the least. I had a minor knee surgery on Tuesday evening and am recovering nicely, it's strange though it's like as each day passes the pain gets stronger. I want to go to church tomorrow, although navigating the stairs should be quite interesting. It's been so nice having Douglas home; we read, play video games, watch movies. it is so nice, I will be sad when he leaves next week. But he'll be home to move us, so that will be nice. I haven't done anything that I wanted to do this February I really should just gain some self-discipline and just do want I want to do, ya know? So I am currently reading 7 books.

1. Meet Your Match - Stephanie Fowers: This book isn't keeping my attention very well, it's a cute story and I am only a little over a quarter of the way through it, so I will keep reading it and I will finish it.

2. Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen: I have read a couple of pages but I haven't had the energy or time to throw into it and read it like I should, so it is kind of on the back burner.

3. Four Kinds of Love - CS Lewis: This book I am throughly enjoying, it takes time to read it and really contemplate what he is trying to get across but when you do it really makes you think and re-evaluate things

4. Killer Hair - I picked this book up on a whim of reading a new mystery series and I'm not that into it, I'll finish it just to finish it but I probably won't read anymore of this series. I'll also probably give the book away, and for those of you who know me, I don't give or get rid of any books.

5. School of Fortune - My friend and I picked up this book a while ago for our book club (which we need to start again) and am just know getting around to reading it, it is a cute story line so far.

6. The Bronze Bow - Speare: Interesting story line, I have to finish it by our next book club meeting at the beginning of next month. I can't believe this book was actually read out loud in the classroom!

7. The Prydain Chronicles: I'm trying to get more into the fantasy/sci-fi books so my husband suggested me reading this book so he reads it to me at night before we get to bed, it is cute, it is also his favorite book and he has read it many many times.

That does it for my brief synopsis of my reading collection right now. I'm trying to decide if I want to buy more books or Gilmore Girls season 6 this week...? Any suggestions? I am very excited to move, although I'm not that stoked about packing. And our new place will look empty but I am very excited none-the-less. I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day and weekend!

1 comment:

Krystal said...

I really hated the way that Gilmore girls ended, it really made me so mad.

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    ♥ Blessings are every where in our lives every day there are little things that mean a lot and sometimes we don't even notice them until we look back on the day. Memories and stories, arguments and tears - all bring blessings into our lives in one way or another. I do this blog so I can remember those moments and find the blessings that were once hidden in a normal sometime meaningless gesture ♥

    if we pay close attention we will come to realize that no day is the same as another as every morning brings with it a hidden blessing - a sweet morsel to cherish