I was so excited to do this picture (it might or might not have anything to do with how baby hungry I might or might not be)!


I've never really done a tight crop and always feel strange cutting off parts of peoples faces but I thought I would try it and I think I like how it turned out. I need to play some more with croppings.
Head over to iHeart Faces to see some (I'm sure to be) amazing edits on this precious little one!

Head over to iHeart Faces to see some (I'm sure to be) amazing edits on this precious little one!

I really like your first edit. So sweet!!
I like the tight crop.
WOW!! Love the tight crop.
I'm about ready to go tell hubby that it's time to have another baby! (He would so not be in agreement with me.) ;)
Very, very pretty fixes.
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
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